kerry walters dogsJoin the LittleDogsLifeTM Packkerry walters dogs

Want to be a part of LittleDogsLifetm from the ground floor and earn special gifts, promotional credits and/or job or internship opportunities?
You'd be working alongside (remotely) an incredible team of progressive entrepreneurs, creators, developers, and of course little dog lovers!

Are you or do you know someone who is any of the following? If so please reach out on the contact form below!

  • An individual with a passion for bringing people and their furbabies together in your community
  • Enjoy recommending your favorite spots in town that you bring your little dog to
  • Enjoy social media, being creative and spend your share of fun time online
  • Love sharing your creative side with your products for little dogs
  • Love to write about the breed you own or health and different topics about little dogs?
  • Are a dog product manufacturer or distributor
  • Run a dog service company or medical center for animals
kerry walters dogs

We are looking for those who are interested in getting involved for an opportunity to be with us for a long time to come. Join the LittleDogsLifeTM pack to be a part of this new, worldwide social network aimed at highlighting our lovely little dogs and providing a like-minded community with personalized products and much more to come! Submit your interest below and we will reach out to you via email:

Yes! I’m Interested in Learning More

Name is required
Email is required
Message is required
kerry walters dogs